Tailing the Nica Chica - Bang Bus

Channel: Bang Bus

We have taken it back, The BangBus that is , I shot this film The way we did back in the day. REAL AS FUCK .... I may or may not be getting in trouble for this one gonna have to wait and see .. So this is how it went down, AL-B picked up a friend of his Named Nino" Which I think is french for "Butt Pirate" who had been a fan of mine or had a crush on me for years one of the two. Anyways we met up and headed out to prowl the Streets looking to TAIL cute TAIL if possible when out of the corner of Al-B's eye he caught a glance of a super super CUTE LATINA sitting at a bus stop and looking really really hot and really unhappy from waiting in the super uncool hot Miami sun . I thought it to be a great opportunity to go stop by and talk to her Try to find out why this really pretty girl would be sitting in the heat alone and without a ride to take her where ever she wanted to go .. So the van pulled up to the stop very slow inch by inch so as not to scare her off. But to my amazement she didn't even look in our direction Paid no mind to us checking her out right away I could tell she was a special kind of Latina a real "Rice and Beaner". Not born and raised here in miami which I absolutely prefer over an american latin chick . So as I started trying to ask her my first question her reaction was automatic being " what are u filming ? leave me alone go away blah blah blah blah " so on and so forth and believe me there's nothing u can do with a Bia Bia that wont even let a nigga pop off a hey how ya doing . So we left only to have AL-B the Metro drive us right back around to the very same bus stop to have another go at her so I asked her where she was she headed and how long she had been waiting for her ride to which she exclaimed " Im going to little havana " . So I told her that due to road construction she was going to be waiting for a really long time seeing as how this route had been cancelled around a week ago So I proposed to the chica that we could give her a ride and pay her 100$ to ask her a few questions about being a latin women living in miami . The plan didn't go easy it took me 200$ and then later another 700$ to get her to spread her legs pop her top and crack that ass like a fresh hot beef empanada with olives and eggs in it fried not baked of course . but all in all very worth every penny that we were willing to pay her but sadly never got the chance to . So thats all Im going to say go Ahead and WATCH THE MOVIE u will love it !!!!! also I cant write anymore cause Im on the toilet and the poop coming out of my butt and feels like it's going to blow out my O-Ring so Im really in a lot of pain right now gotta go ......Enjoy"
