Saved by the glasses! - Bang Bus

Channel: Bang Bus

Hey ladies and gents preston here bringing you guys this weeks bangbus update..this week me and the crew are hanging out and we see this little cutie walking outside so i send my henchman shaggy to go and get her and to see what she was like..so he runs after and believe it or not she responds and hasnt smacked this guys silly as of yet..so he comes back with her and she seems cool a little but then i ask what's wrong with her and the girl has a cold so thats the reason for her low tone..so anyway shaggy and i start conversating with her and asking to to come with us for an interview and she looks at us like were crazy till the cash is mentioned then we get her attention and she comes with us and let me tell you guys that this girl is mad cute and has art in many places and shaggy definately found those special places lol...i hope you guys enjoy this update..Stay Tuned!!!!
