Geri - Bang Bus

Channel: Bang Bus

Guess who decided to come back... a new clean shaven Ugs! Guess it's part of his incognito thing... I'd say more.. but I can't do that... let's see if Ugs doesn't behave himself in the coming weeks.. and I'll divulge all the details! But yeah.. the point of this whole thing.... I was really hungry and in the mood for some good ol' fashioned donuts.... so I have Ugs drive to me to the spot... not only that.. but he and Alex went on in to fetch me my food.. life of D. Sanchez I tell ya... So about 5 years later.... I notice why things are going so slow... my man Alex was trying to bag this cute ass red head that was up in there.... I gotta give it to him... he brought her outside... good set-up job... but only I can seal the deal! The way I looked at it.. if she was willing enough to follow Gonz out to more guys she didn't know.....then the rest was gonna be cake! or donut.... so yeah.. This great barely legal red head was so hot! PLUS SHE'S A METAL HEAD! Aww man... I'd actually date this one if we were under other cirumcsta... yeah right... I DON'T LOVE THEM HO'S! After swooning her into the van... we got to talking about her life and times in Kentucky... so after those 20 seconds we got to the personal stuff.. you know... how many jocks did you let into your guts.... all the stuff my fans want to know! When the subject of her virginity being taken came up... heh.. let's just say we got a full play by play and some how Baby D. got into the mix! Great natural set of tits on this one.. and the camel toe on her is so juicy! I'd do horrible things to this one...great blowjob skills and the fuck filmage was up to par as always... After everything was said and done... we were off for a rib run.... Geri was so cool I wanted to keep her around.. but the smell of ribs and bbq sauce quickly helped me regain my senses.. haha ..Enjoy! The Dirty One...
